Author Archives: NuWater
NuWater’s approach to Covid-19
Watch the clip below for updates on NuWater’s approach to dealing with #covid19 in the workplace.
Seawater Desalination
The practical solution to 21st-century farmingFor years, salt-stressed coastal regions have been unproductive for crop-growing[...]
Assisting Polyoak Packaging
Facing challenges brought about by water shortage as a result of drought, here’s how NuWater[...]
NuWater: Empowering Farmers
Empowering Farmers with Full-Service Build, Own and Operate or Plant Rentals
Beat The Drought, Increase Yield and Reduce Energy Costs
Did you know that South Africa’s agricultural sector uses nearly 79% of the total land area –[...]
Addressing South Africa’s water-energy challenges
Did you know that NuWater’s water, wastewater and desalination plants can produce between 15 000[...]
Assisting Lausanne Dairies
Facing uncertainty in water supply and water quality as a result of drought, Lausanne dairies[...]
Unlocking South Africa’s groundwater potential
The agriculture sector in South Africa uses nearly 79% of the total land area –[...]