About 25,700 litres of water is required to grow one day’s worth of food for a family of four. Farming and agricultural enterprises know this full well, as they deal with growing produce and providing for livestock daily.
But those 25,700 litres have to be of a very high quality for irrigation, maintaining livestock and maximizing the quality and production of produce. Not to mention the transportation, sanitation and packaging. In order to combat the challenges of water scarcity, drought and the demand for food production, NuWater is leading the water treatment industry with proven water, wastewater and desalination plants that are used to reclaim high quality water.
If you need a water treatment solution to maintain and grow your agricultural enterprise, whether it is for a short or long term, we have options. Contact us today.
About NuWater Water Treatment
NuWater is a smart water treatment solutions company. We have evolved from a dynamic new start-up to becoming industry leaders who are at the forefront of intelligent water treatment solutions. We provide real solutions, solutions that are sustainable, mobile, adaptable, resourceful and efficient. Solutions that are changing lives, communities, businesses, ecosystems, and environments for the better.
NuWater is your business partner when it comes to water treatment and liquid waste management. Our appetite for innovation and our constant drive to search for new, cutting edge, novel technologies ensures that we can meet the needs of our customers. We are a technology-led engineering company that designs, builds, finances, operates and maintains water treatment plants. Plants that treat contaminated water for the provision of high-quality drinking and industrial process water from almost any water source.