Wastewater Treatment: From Waste to Resource

Wastewater Treatment: From Waste To Resource

As the scarcity of water becomes a more pressing issue and with rising concerns over the environment and the stringent compliance, legislative and environmental regulations against discharge and pollution – industries are under increasing pressure to recycle and reuse their water. But what if we told you that wastewater, once treated, can generate raw materials for energy and agriculture.

In industry, wastewater is increasingly being viewed as a valuable resource rather than a burden, with recycling and reuse now the staple for tackling water shortages and generating energy. Besides harvesting minerals and nutrients for secondary revenue streams, recycled wastewater produces biogas, which could power wastewater treatment facilities and local towns and communities.

At NuWater, we believe localised waterreclamation and reuse projects play a significant role in water security for South Africa. We are committed to empowering communities and industries with long-, medium- and short-term water treatment solutions that create a sustainable supply of high-quality water, leaving their environment healthy and balanced.

About NuWater Water Treatment

NuWater is a smart water treatment solutions company. We have evolved from a dynamic new start-up to becoming industry leaders who are at the forefront of intelligent water treatment solutions. We provide real solutions, solutions that are sustainable, mobile, adaptable, resourceful and efficient. Solutions that are changing lives, communities, businesses, ecosystems, and environments for the better.

NuWater is your business partner when it comes to water treatment and liquid waste management. Our appetite for innovation and our constant drive to search for new, cutting edge, novel technologies ensures that we can meet the needs of our customers. We are a technology-led engineering company that designs, builds, finances, operates and maintains water treatment plants. Plants that treat contaminated water for the provision of high-quality drinking and industrial process water from almost any water source.