What is Effluent Water Treatment | NuWater

What Is Effluent Water Treatment | Nuwater

Are you wondering what is effluent water treatment? It might sound complicated, but the concept is fairly straightforward.

The word ‘effluent’ refers to liquid waste from an industrial or sewer source. This effluent, also referred to as industrial or domestic wastewater and ‘trade effluent’, can be treated chemically, biologically, or a combination of both processes to remove or reduce contaminants for reuse. 

General treatment initially removes solids, followed by treatment steps for the contaminant or bacterial removal.

How Does Effluent Water Treatment Work?

Nature has the natural capability to recycle water, but with any natural system, treatment limitations exist. The current overpopulation and industrial and domestic wastewater volumes have a significant treatment demand on natural environments. Therefore, it requires human intervention and assistance.

General effluent treatment consists of solids removal followed by contaminant removal, and lastly, bacteria removal. It first passes through a filtration screen to remove large solids (debris, rags, and sand). Thereafter, the contamination removal process consists of chemical or biological treatment and settling tank. Finally, disinfection is used to remove bacterial contamination.

What Is Effluent Water Treatment | Nuwater

At NuWater, we use the latest biological treatment techniques, occasionally pairing them with our membrane technologies to achieve the best results. Our treatment techniques focus on the client’s needs and constraints, and our objective is to present a reliable solution with a lighter footprint to current conventional treatment systems. Nuwater is interested in working with the client to deliver a solution that applies to their needs while educating them throughout the process.

An Intelligent Water Solution: Pros of Water Effluent Treatment 

Alleviating Demand for Fresh Water

By using intelligent effluent water treatment systems, we can recycle and reuse wastewater, providing relief to drought.

Protecting the Planet

When untreated, disease-ridden wastewater is released into the ocean or lakes, it can have devastating effects on wildlife, fauna and flora, as well as humans. This is because it can lead to the spread of harmful pathogens through ingestion or even cause oxygen depletion, creating an adverse chain reaction in the environment.

What Is Effluent Water Treatment | Nuwater

Our natural waterways are not equipped in dealing with large volumes of pollutant water being introduced into the system. Aquatic plants and organisms can only absorb limited quantities of compounds. Other compounds present in the pollutant water is also harmful to the same aquatic plants and organisms required for treatment.

Alleviates Pressure of Stringent Regulations 

Environmental regulations to which industries have to adhere are becoming stricter. Wastewater treatment is, therefore, a highly effective solution as it allows industries to adhere to their respective discharge licenses. Or it can even provide a reuse option, which we at NuWater view as a resource recovered.

What Is Effluent Water Treatment | Nuwater

Risks of Effluent: Considerations when Treating Wastewater 

Electricity Usage 

Power is required to treat all water, including wastewater sources. At NuWater, we cleverly tackled this. Treated solids usually disposed to landfills can be used as an energy source. We, therefore, work with technology providers to leverage this, using the resultant energy to power our wastewater treatment process. We further optimise the wastewater treatment equipment with solar panels.

Your Intelligent Water System Partner

Contact us today for all your water treatment needs.

About NuWater Water Treatment

NuWater is a smart water treatment solutions company. We have evolved from a dynamic new start-up to becoming industry leaders who are at the forefront of intelligent water treatment solutions. We provide real solutions, solutions that are sustainable, mobile, adaptable, resourceful and efficient. Solutions that are changing lives, communities, businesses, ecosystems, and environments for the better.

NuWater is your business partner when it comes to water treatment and liquid waste management. Our appetite for innovation and our constant drive to search for new, cutting edge, novel technologies ensures that we can meet the needs of our customers. We are a technology-led engineering company that designs, builds, finances, operates and maintains water treatment plants. Plants that treat contaminated water for the provision of high-quality drinking and industrial process water from almost any water source.